Sunday, March 30, 2014

Good Afternoon its Sunday March 30, 2014 and  I have decide to address Prom Nails we have been busy doing the young ladies that forget to make appointments, that we are here in the salon till 9 pm  - 10 pm every night trying to make sure no one is disappointed.  We are so sorry that there are not more of us and we did have to turn a few of you away.  I decided to do two (2) things  #1 is offer a discount to anyone going to prom that makes an appointment. 10 % off if you call in make an appointment just let us know the name of your school and the date of your prom.  #2 is I am going to attach a short article written by Manicurist Sheril Bailey's  her work has been featured in ad campaigns for Jimmy Choo, Prada, and others and innumerable magazines (including Allure!).  I am hoping this helps the rest of the prom girls with there decisions for prom.  Oh and just a reminder if you want a custom color created for you bring in your dress, and if we don't have one our shelves we will create it just for you. 

Don't overdo it. "Animal print: You will definitely regret it. It's a trendy thing that comes and goes. Bling on the nails will embarrass you if it falls off in the middle of the dance floor. Pointy nails are for Lady Gaga—not to mention a bit gothic and strange for pictures you'll have the rest of your life."
Be bold. "You won't regret a bright color; they are always fun. Bright orange nails are just right before summer—you want a lively, rich shade."
Top it off. "Your nails should be neat and short. Many girls get tips for the first time in their lives for prom; they just make the nails uniform in length and look clean and chic if you keep them relatively short. But don't get French tips—it's old, and passé. So many people still wear them, but they're so out."
Coordinate. "If you're not sure what nail polish shade compliments your dress, get one that comes closest to matching it—it will blend in. And I think it's best when toes are done in the same color as the fingernails, not a different color. Please, no white tips in those sandals! When I see women with French pedicures on the train, I want to take my clippers out; it looks like the nails have grown too long. I don't care how clean your feet are, it's so gross."

Enjoy your proms, be safe and see you in the salon...!